B2 English

Lesson #181: Remembering a lost paradise: Christina Rossetti’s Poem ‘Shut Out’

One theme that often appears in English literature – novels and poetry – is that of a lost paradise. Christina Rossetti, one of the major female poets of the Victorian era, penned (wrote) a poem on this very theme, and since Saturdays are our days for enjoying a little bit of poetry, we will look at ‘Shut […]

Lesson #181: Remembering a lost paradise: Christina Rossetti’s Poem ‘Shut Out’ Read More »

Lesson #179: Agreement Between Subject and Verb Form – 7 Rules to Avoid Common Mistakes

📙 ‘He and his family had been weary when they arrived the night before, and they had observed but little of the place; so that he now beheld it as a new thing.’ – Thomas Hardy, The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886) … Although the principle of this lesson is a simple one, namely: ✍️ RULE: A singular

Lesson #179: Agreement Between Subject and Verb Form – 7 Rules to Avoid Common Mistakes Read More »

Lesson #178: Different Forms of the Verb ‘To Know’ in Charles Dickens’ ‘Our Mutual Friend’

📗 He knew his power over her. He knew that she would not insist upon his leaving her. He knew that, her fears for him being aroused, she would be uneasy if he were out of her sight. For all his seeming levity and carelessness, he knew whatever he chose to know of the thoughts

Lesson #178: Different Forms of the Verb ‘To Know’ in Charles Dickens’ ‘Our Mutual Friend’ Read More »

Lesson #177: Appreciating a Medieval English Poem: William Langland’s ‘Piers Plowman’

Every single language that is spoken today has undergone (gone through) many changes over the years, over centuries. This is also true of English, which could be described as having several phases or historical stages of development: 🪔 c. 500-1150 AD: Old English  This is made of the dialects of Anglo-Saxon tribes, with a very few words

Lesson #177: Appreciating a Medieval English Poem: William Langland’s ‘Piers Plowman’ Read More »

Mini-Lesson Monday: Lesson #176 (Part 2): ‘All the Mole’s lively language …’: Distinguishing Between Formal and Informal Registers in English

In the last part of this lesson (see here), we covered the distinctive traits of the formal and informal registers in the English language. I recommend that you check this Part 1 first before reading this, since what we are going to addressed here builds on what was covered before! Through the help of Kenneth

Mini-Lesson Monday: Lesson #176 (Part 2): ‘All the Mole’s lively language …’: Distinguishing Between Formal and Informal Registers in English Read More »

Mini-Lesson Monday: Lesson #176 (Part 1): ‘All the Mole’s lively language …’: Distinguishing Between Formal and Informal Registers in English

Another childhood favourite (I seem to be sharing a lot of these lately!) is today’s classic, The Wind in the Willows (1908) by Kenneth Grahame, a Scottish writer at the turn of the twentieth century. His children’s classic is a story about four animals with human characteristics and personalities (a kind of writing called anthropomorphism, when an animal or

Mini-Lesson Monday: Lesson #176 (Part 1): ‘All the Mole’s lively language …’: Distinguishing Between Formal and Informal Registers in English Read More »

Lesson #175: Browning’s ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ and the Magic of Prefixes

The Mayor was dumb, and the Council stood  As if they were changed into blocks of wood,  Unable to move a step, or cry  To the children merrily skipping by —  Could only follow with the eye  That joyous crowd at the Piper’s back.   – Robert Browning, ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ (1842) …  Once

Lesson #175: Browning’s ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ and the Magic of Prefixes Read More »

Lesson #173: The Passive Voice in Gaskell’s ‘Cousin Phillis’

📗 Early as it was, every one had breakfasted, and my basin of bread and milk was put on the oven-top to await my coming down. Every one was gone about their work. The first to come into the house-place was Phillis with a basket of eggs. Faithful to my resolution, I asked – ‘What are those?’ She looked at me

Lesson #173: The Passive Voice in Gaskell’s ‘Cousin Phillis’ Read More »

Lesson #172: ‘Let’s have no accusing of the innocent’ (‘Silas Marner’): Using the verb ‘Let’

📙 ‘Ah, you’re fine and strong, arn’t you?’ said Silas, while Eppie shool her aching arms and laughed. ‘Come, come, let us go and sit down on the bank against the stile there, and have no more lifting. You might hurt yourself, child. You’d need have somebody to work for you – and my arm

Lesson #172: ‘Let’s have no accusing of the innocent’ (‘Silas Marner’): Using the verb ‘Let’ Read More »

Lesson #171: Words and Phrases that Indicate Time Sequences, through Defoe’s ‘Robinson Crusoe’

🏝️ Robinson Crusoe (1719) has been widely acknowledged as the first novel ever written in English. Many of us, whether or not we grew up in an English-speaking culture, are long familiar with the storyline of Robinson Crusoe – an Englishman who gets shipwrecked (the ship is sunk by a storm at sea) and ends up

Lesson #171: Words and Phrases that Indicate Time Sequences, through Defoe’s ‘Robinson Crusoe’ Read More »

Lesson #162: All About Hyphens and Dashes (in UK and US English)

​Nearly everyone knows about – even if they have not read – Jane Austen’s famous novels: Pride and Prejudice (1813), Sense and Sensibility (1811), Persuasion (1818), and Emma (1815), not to mention Mansfield Park (1814)and Northanger Abbey (1817). 📚 But most people, including native English speakers, are less familiar with Austen’s earlier (or unpublished) writings. Works like The

Lesson #162: All About Hyphens and Dashes (in UK and US English) Read More »

Lesson #161: Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns Illustrated through Charles Dickens’ ‘Nicholas Nickleby’

📙 Here was one of the advantages of having lived alone so long! The little bustling, active, cheerful creature existed entirely within herself, talked to herself, made a confidante of herself, was as sarcastic as she could be, on people who offended her, by herself; pleased herself, and did no harm. If she indulged in

Lesson #161: Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns Illustrated through Charles Dickens’ ‘Nicholas Nickleby’ Read More »