Intermediate Level English Grammar

Lesson #178: Different Forms of the Verb ‘To Know’ in Charles Dickens’ ‘Our Mutual Friend’

📗 He knew his power over her. He knew that she would not insist upon his leaving her. He knew that, her fears for him being aroused, she would be uneasy if he were out of her sight. For all his seeming levity and carelessness, he knew whatever he chose to know of the thoughts […]

Lesson #178: Different Forms of the Verb ‘To Know’ in Charles Dickens’ ‘Our Mutual Friend’ Read More »

Lesson #161: Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns Illustrated through Charles Dickens’ ‘Nicholas Nickleby’

📙 Here was one of the advantages of having lived alone so long! The little bustling, active, cheerful creature existed entirely within herself, talked to herself, made a confidante of herself, was as sarcastic as she could be, on people who offended her, by herself; pleased herself, and did no harm. If she indulged in

Lesson #161: Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns Illustrated through Charles Dickens’ ‘Nicholas Nickleby’ Read More »

Lesson #158 Mini-Lesson Monday (Part 2): Choosing Between Two Alternatives: How to Use Either/Or, Neither/Nor, And Both

If you missed the first part of this lesson where we described the main functions of ‘either/or’, ‘neither/nor’, and ‘both’, you can check it out here. This is part 2 of our lesson on these important word groups, where we consider how they relate to the preposition ‘of’, their word order and verb conjugation rules,

Lesson #158 Mini-Lesson Monday (Part 2): Choosing Between Two Alternatives: How to Use Either/Or, Neither/Nor, And Both Read More »

Lesson #158 Mini-Lesson Monday (Part 1): Choosing Between Two Alternatives: How to Use Either/Or, Neither/Nor, And Both

​📘 ‘​Lucy was never visible at these times, being either engaged in the school-room, or in taking an airing out of doors; but, knowing that she was now comfortable, and had given up the, to him, depressing idea of going off to the other side of the globe, he was quite content.​’​ – Thomas Hardy,

Lesson #158 Mini-Lesson Monday (Part 1): Choosing Between Two Alternatives: How to Use Either/Or, Neither/Nor, And Both Read More »