American English vs British English

Mini-Lesson Monday, Lesson #215 (Part 2): ‘Besides vs beside’, ‘Always vs alway’, ‘Forwards vs Forward’ – Different meanings and usages

📙 ‘I hope I shall always behave so as to be respected by every one; and that nobody would do me more hurt than I am sure I would do them.’ – Samuel Richardson, Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (1740) In Part 2 of our Lesson, we continue to differentiate the differences between similar-looking words like […]

Mini-Lesson Monday, Lesson #215 (Part 2): ‘Besides vs beside’, ‘Always vs alway’, ‘Forwards vs Forward’ – Different meanings and usages Read More »

Mini-Lesson Monday, Lesson #215 (Part 1): ‘Besides vs beside’, ‘Always vs alway’, ‘Forwards vs Forward’ – Different meanings and usages

Have you ever wondered what is the difference between words like ‘beside’ and ‘besides’? 💡 Believe me, one little letter makes all the difference in what the word means and how it can be used! Today’s Lesson in two parts looks at 3 ‘mistakable’ pairs of words: Besides vs beside Always vs alway Forwards vs

Mini-Lesson Monday, Lesson #215 (Part 1): ‘Besides vs beside’, ‘Always vs alway’, ‘Forwards vs Forward’ – Different meanings and usages Read More »

Mini-Lesson Monday, Lesson #182 (Part 2): The Influences of Great Dictionaries on the English Language – Noah Webster’s ‘Dictionary’

As we saw in the first part of this Lesson, Samuel Johnson spent nearly ten years working on his dictionary. Our next dictionary-writer (or lexicographer), Noah Webster, probably spent decades (tens of years) preparing the research for his dictionaries. In his lifetime, he saw several editions of his dictionaries being published, and each time he tried to improve and refine

Mini-Lesson Monday, Lesson #182 (Part 2): The Influences of Great Dictionaries on the English Language – Noah Webster’s ‘Dictionary’ Read More »

Mini-Lesson Monday, Lesson #182 (Part 1): The Influences of Great Dictionaries on the English Language – Samuel Johnson’s ‘Dictionary’

If every English language student has one book in common, it is almost certainly an English dictionary! The question would be: which one to choose? 📚 There are so many nowadays, but if we could travel back a few hundred years or so, we would be lucky to find a copy of one.  I am

Mini-Lesson Monday, Lesson #182 (Part 1): The Influences of Great Dictionaries on the English Language – Samuel Johnson’s ‘Dictionary’ Read More »