
Lesson #118: Using Pronouns Correctly to Prevent Repetition in Your Writing (Part 2)

Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives – those were just some of the pronouns we began to consider in my last post! 📒 We also looked at a paragraph from Elizabeth Gaskell’s Wives and Daughters; in which she used them artfully to describe a tense moment in the novel. As promised, here are my tips on how […]

Lesson #118: Using Pronouns Correctly to Prevent Repetition in Your Writing (Part 2) Read More »

Lesson #118: Using Pronouns Correctly to Prevent Repetition in Your Writing (Part 1)

Do you find it difficult, particularly when writing, to determine when to use English pronouns or the identified subject they are referring to? (Perhaps you can more easily indicate WHO you are talking about through your voice, simply by your body language or an obvious context).  As I have mentioned before, writing English is quite

Lesson #118: Using Pronouns Correctly to Prevent Repetition in Your Writing (Part 1) Read More »