Improve Your Writing Through Reading Classics

Lesson #153: How Writing Is Made Memorable: Three Observations On A Poem

As a short break from the grammatical lessons we have had of late, todays’ lesson will be short and sweet! I have been looking forward to an opportunity to share a favourite poem of mine by William Blake (1757-1827). It is called ‘The Tyger’ (an archaic or old-fashioned way of spelling ‘tiger’) and is often […]

Lesson #153: How Writing Is Made Memorable: Three Observations On A Poem Read More »

Lesson #144: Five Small But Important ‘Fruits’ Gathered From Gaskell’s ‘North And South’

I thought it would be nice for a change to take a short text from a classic and analyse it in today’s lesson.  So I have the pleasure of re-introducing one of my top favourite novels, North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865), having been inspired today by this biscuit tin which I bought last year when I

Lesson #144: Five Small But Important ‘Fruits’ Gathered From Gaskell’s ‘North And South’ Read More »