Advanced English Language Advice

Lesson #268 (Part 2): Mistakes Russian speakers tend to make in English

📗 Welcome to Part 2 of our Lesson in which we look at difficult areas for many Russian students of English in particular. You may find it helpful to check 👉 Part 1 first to understand why we chose Henry James’ excellent novel, The Portrait of a Lady (1881), for this Lesson, as well as […]

Lesson #268 (Part 2): Mistakes Russian speakers tend to make in English Read More »

Lesson #268 (Part 1): Mistakes Russian speakers tend to make in English

This month I am writing a series of Lesson posts covering the most common mistakes that students make. Today I am focusing on confusing English issues for native Russian speakers and hope very much it will help anyone who struggles with these areas. As I mentioned in my previous Lesson, there is no need to

Lesson #268 (Part 1): Mistakes Russian speakers tend to make in English Read More »

Lesson #253: A line-by-line reading comprehension exercise with analysis (Woolf’s ‘To the Lighthouse’)

A few days ago, I mentioned how I enjoy painting whenever I have the opportunity. 🎨 To be honest, there was a time when I thought I would pursue this interest more professionally. But for now, I just enjoy it as a pastime – that said, the urge to perfect paintings or drawings is still

Lesson #253: A line-by-line reading comprehension exercise with analysis (Woolf’s ‘To the Lighthouse’) Read More »

Lesson #252: ‘The best master in the world’: Considering different learning & teaching methods through Dickens’ ‘Martin Chuzzlewit’

📙 … For Mark had some practical knowledge of such matters, and Martin learned of him; whereas the other settlers who remained upon the putrid swamp (a mere handful, and those withered by disease), appeared to have wandered there with the idea that husbandry was the natural gift of all mankind. They helped each other

Lesson #252: ‘The best master in the world’: Considering different learning & teaching methods through Dickens’ ‘Martin Chuzzlewit’ Read More »

Lesson #240 (Part 2): How to fix the most common punctuation mistake in English

📙 Grace’s disposition to make the best of everything, and to wink at deficiencies in Winterborne’s menage, was so uniform and persistent that he suspected her of seeing even more deficiencies than he was aware of … ‘… It reminds me so pleasantly that everything here in dear old Hintock is just as it used

Lesson #240 (Part 2): How to fix the most common punctuation mistake in English Read More »

Lesson #240 (Part 1): How to fix the most common punctuation mistake in English

As a proofreader and a tutor, the most common mistake I see on a daily basis is the misappropriation (placing in the wrong places) of apostrophes (‘) in English. Even native English speakers make this mistake from time to time! If you have been reading my Lessons for a while, you may remember that I

Lesson #240 (Part 1): How to fix the most common punctuation mistake in English Read More »